Partisan Press Reflection


The early days of newspapers in America do not seem to stray far from the modern day version. Although news sources may claim to be bi-partisan it is not always the truth, they tend to always favor one side of the political aisle. This is harmful as they are not being completely truthful about their intentions and can often slip in information that can be polarizing. 

Although the old system still is not a good one at least they were open about their bias and people could pick what news source they read according to their political and ideological beliefs. 

Objectivity is something that was not considered in the old system, every published work had a bias behind it and those bias were widely known. Now a-days those bias are veiled and only really exposed during certain events. Readers become aware of this upon comparing the same story across multiple media outlets as they all claim to be bi-partisan. 

Objectivity is only reached when all bias are eliminated and the truth is the only driving force of the article. 

Unfortunately objectivity was not a main concern back then and still is not now. I do think objectivity is important and should be the ultimate goal for journalist but in a world as polarized as the one we live in today it seems like an impossible feat.   



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